Monday, September 7, 2009

DAMN - Am I Being Tested?????

I've been blogging for about a week now. And finally I am ready to take the plunge and "get back on the wagon", "pay the piper", "get back on track", etc. I'm going to Weight Watchers and face the scale!!! Now, some of you know exactly what I am talking about. I've taken a little sabatical . . . ok, a BIG sabatical. But I have to get back on track and today (despite it being Monday) is the day.

I get into my car - actually I drive a Toyota 4Runner. I have my daughter with me and we are ready! I have my monthly pass and my old weight tracker. She has her Nintendo DS to keep her occupied during the meeting. I've bribed her (as has my husband) with a manicure and pedicure if she behaves and lets Mommy attend the meeting. My husband has told her to be good and make sure Mommy listens to everything the Leader has to say. We are off.

I notice that the gas tank isn't exactly full and since I have some extra time before my meeting begins, I decide to take a small detour to the local gas station to fill up. I'm very happy because I know how much better I will feel and eventually look as I begin my "diet". The attendant fills up the tank and hands me my receipt. I look down at the dashboard and turn the key . . . .

click click click click

What? What is going on?? Maybe I have the transmission in the wrong gear . . . No, I am in park . . . what is happening. I try again . . .

Click Click Click Click

Shit. I'm all psyched about going to this meeting. It is with my favorite Leader and I can't believe this is happening. I don't understand. I try again . . . .


The attendant pushes my truck out of the way of the gas pump, with the help of a very nice customer. Luckly, the gas station isn't far from my house so I collect my items, including my daughter, and start to head home, on foot, while calling my husband on his cell phone.

Now there is no way I am going to make this meeting. We pass by the local 7-eleven on the way home and my daughter wants a soda so we stop in. I'm thinking that it was silly to think about starting on a Monday anyway. How much this really stinks and how psyched I was to get back on track. Then I realize something and I tell myself

"This is life my dear. Sometimes things do not work out as we plan."

I get myself out of the 7-eleven ASAP - it is lunch time and I don't need any temptations. I started off the day awesome with a cup of yogurt, toast and jam. We will walk home and I will fix a healthy lunch.

It turns out the the car is just fine. My husband took a look at it and it started immediately. He did some "manly automobile stuff" to it and it was fine for the rest of the day. I really think that I was being tested. I was faced with two roads. Afterall, it was the first day and no one would know. I could have just continued my "summer ways" - but - I would know! And when was I supposed to start??? Now, is the answer. "My Leader always says - you are one meal away from getting back on track." I was already on track. So what, the car didn't work and I missed my meeting - I'll just go tomorrow but that doesn't mean that I can't start today.

My daughter and I had egg white omletts for lunch with low calorie english muffins. As a snack I had some Edamame (soy beans). And for dinner I had an awesome salad with grilled chicken. I even treated myself to a 1/2 and ounce of dark chocolate (it is very satisfying)! And the best part is that I feel very satisfied and happy that I didn't let some silly detour ruin my plans. We will go for that Mani/Pedi next weekend and by then I know I will be lighter and feeling so very fine!!! And so I will face the scale tomorrow! It is not going anywhere but I am!!


  1. Altho there are many stumbling blocks in the road of life, when we want to eat that cookie, we do. When we want to fix a problem, we come up with all kinds of excuses. Your intentions are all good and positive, but I think that offering your daughter both a manicure and pedicure for a good behavior in WW is a little over the edge, maybe a trip to the park to spend some time with her where both of you will be active would be a better option? You'll be sorry you put me on this blog, lol. I hope not. I speak with earnest sincerity and compassion. This is a life-long daily battle and I am concerned that you are still using the word "diet". Diets don't work. Self deprivation (the definition of diet) doesn't work. "Changes and choices" is where it's at. If you think about every item that you put into your mouth before you put it there, that might help you to make better choices when you eat.

    I leave you with this quotation:

    "Some succeed because they are destined to...Most succeed because they are determined...Those who want to succeed will find a way...Those who don't will find an excuse...Once you decide what you want, you make a commitment to that decision.......

  2. I thought a lot about your comment. So much so, that you will see your influence in today's blog. I think that you are correct on several levels. But it IS a life long struggle and solutions that worked yesterday don't necessarily work today and those solutions that worked today may not work tomorrow! That is when I must remember your words . . . it all comes down to making better choices . . . you are so right! Keep reading and commenting!

  3. I think it's funny that when weare determined to do somehting - whether it be NOT eating that dessert OR geting our "fix" (whateverthat may be), we find a way - NO MATTER WHAT. I always remember my mother (a cigarette addict in denial) telling me that she didn't need to smoke at all - but yet would go out in the worst snow storm to get another pack if she thought she didn't have enough cigarettes left to make it to the next day. We're no different when it comes to food. The trick is to figure out why we can be so determined to eat healthy one day and not another.
