Tuesday, September 14, 2010


Hi. My name is Christina and I am a “food-a-holic”. Yup! I am back. About a year ago I started this blog called “Fridgedemons” to write about my struggle with food. I had a lot of hopes and dreams when I started this blog; one of them was to lose weight. Well, here I am, a year later, back at the drawing board. Yesterday I went back to Weight Watchers (AGAIN) after a long (and happy) summer. Unfortunately the results were not good (AGAIN). I wasn’t surprised. I was bummed.

Here it is, Day 1, AGAIN, and I decided to start blogging AGAIN. My goal is to lose 50 pounds. I have also decided to blog about other topics that are important to me so stay tuned, check in frequently and remember to keep commenting!


  1. I know how you feel.I can be so good about weight control: start eating well, exercise,thinking positive, drinking water, lose 30 pounds, start feeling good, then POW- some stress comes along and before you know it, the weight is back on. Now that the kids are back at school I'm back on track trying to lose those 30 pounds. Today is a new day!

  2. there is not a pill, a surgery, a gym, a nutritionist, or any other source that will fix this for you except for you. Exercise till the cows come home, spin your ass off till you fly off the bike into the backdrop, if you just sit in your easy chair and put your feet up, you will lose the weight by just reducing your calories. Just do that and the rest will come. Of course, we know the exercise will only enhance the process, but if you take one step at a time and just start by reducing daily intake and that alone will be enough to get you started. After you lose a chunk of weight, then spin your head off, walk you head off, even fuck you head off and then you'll be enhancing your journey. I wish you only the best in your "battle"!

  3. As I read this while eating a big hunk of chocolate cake, I only have admiration for you that you are starting as I have 0 willpower lately. You know and I know you can do it!!!! Stay with it. I need inspiration.

  4. Noreen from "You Bring Me Joy"September 14, 2010 at 10:18 PM

    Hey anonymus it is not about willpower it is about WANTPOWER....then it becomes a question of "What do I WANT? is it worth it? and that could be the food you want to eat or the result you want.....I facilitated WW meetings for 10 years and now I have ventured out on my own. The formular for SUCCESS for the hundreds I have coached or witnessed is the same....SUPPORT....SMALL STEPS....NO SUFFERING...the real goal is to be SINGING "I FEEL GOOD" because when we feel good we make better choices....we have more patience...we have more self respect and it becomes a WIN WIN for everyone around us. I am holding off 52lbs for 12+ years. Every day we have a chance to begin again.....you go Christina I am rooting for you!!!!! You definitely CAN DO IT!!!!

  5. Thank God for a "Day 1 AGAIN" - (it's a little bit like birthdays AGAIN) -Just think of what the alternative would be! I love that you have this great never ending will and love for life and that you are not willing to settle for "giving up"! Keep those blog entries coming.

  6. Thank you all for your comments . . . I am crying with tears of joy!!!! Noreen - I miss you!!! All of you, come with me on this journey and let us all succeed together!!!!

  7. Think positively and take off 1 lb. at a time. There is no hurry or deadline. Think about what a wonderful woman you are!!
    With love,
