Saturday, September 18, 2010

Danger Danger

In 1965 there was a TV Show called “Lost in Space”. It was about a family of astronauts who . . . got lost in space. By our standards today, the show was not very sophisticated!! But I was a kid and I LOVED it !! The family had a robot which was always there to lend a hand (sort of). Anytime something dangerous was about to happen, or was happening to the family, this robot would start waving its arms and say “Danger Danger”.

It would be nice if all of us had a robot like that to help us along in life. Sometimes it is difficult for me to understand how a situation is evolving when I am in the middle of it. I wish I had that “parental insight” over my own actions. I don’t always see the Danger signs. This is particularly true in my food struggle.

If you accept the fact that I eat primarily due to emotions (and I lump a lot into that basket), then the minute I start to feel a certain way, my robot should start making a lot of noise “Danger Danger Christina”. The key is to be my own robot and recognize the feelings before I am overwhelmed.

This week was the first full week of school for the kids. It was a big transition week for all of us. We needed to get to sleep earlier because we were waking up earlier. Of course, we all know how challenging it can be to get back into a routine once the vacation is over. I felt tired all week. Add some PMS and a weekend to that mix. My robot is yelling “Danger Danger Christina”. My plan of action is simple. I will go for a walk whenever I feel those Danger signs coming. I will get extra sleep. I will not put myself in difficult food situations. I will prevail and I will definitely go to WW on Monday!

1 comment:

  1. I think the key phrase is at the beginning of your third paragraph: "if you accept the fact that I eat primarily" [fill in your own blank]. The key for me is not only to CORRECTLY identify my blank - but then to own up to it. What I do after that comes a lot easier .... Now I just need to figure out my blank is!
