Sunday, September 6, 2009

Less is More

The other day I went to the grocery store to pick up some items for the weekend. It was Labor Day weekend and I was taking the kiddies to the beach.

Usually, during the year I don't buy a lot of soda, It is reserved for holidays or guests. But today, I really wanted some soda, So off I go to the local Waldbaums. Much to my delight the brand of soda I usually buy is on sale; 5 cases for something. But you see, I really don't want 5 cases, I only want 3 cases - my three favorite flavors. The problem is this; when I have soda in the house, my kids only drink soda. I have read and heard so many bad things about soda - it robs your bones of calcium, it can actually make you fat (diet soda) because of the way the body metabolizes it, it is used in nursing homes as a laxative (yes - that was a strange one) and very simply, when I am drinking soda, I am not drinking water and it doesn't take a PhD to know that water is better for you than soda.

So I take my 3 cases to the check out counter and of course the person at the register (no, Waldbaums doesn't have automated check out counters yet) asks me if I want to go back to get two cases because the soda is on sale. My response is a polite "No thank you, I only want 3 cases" and then it hits me . . . Less is more!

A couple of years ago I read an awesome book called "French Women Don't get Fat" by Mireille Guiliano. My "Sista" recommended it to me and you should read it! The premise is that you should eat everything - even chocolate - but only a little of it. This way, your craving is satisfied but you don't get fat. I don't mean to minimize the book and I apologize to Ms. Guiliano because there is a lot more to it than just that - so, read the book.

Why do we always want more??? I think it is embedded in our culture. After all, our ancestors came here, to the US, for one purpose - to get more - more space, more freedom, more education, more money. Think about your own ancestors - I bet they wanted more of something. Now think about our society. Everything is "super"; Super Size, Super Stores, Over Sized Cars to carry our "Plus" Size bodies.

One of my favorite lyrics comes from a Sheryl Crow song Soak up the Sun: "It's not having what you want It's wanting what you've got"

. . . Less is more.

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